Yes to IFs, not buts! Whether you're looking to find the TRUE from the FALSE, IFs are the way to go. I offer a comprehensive overview of IFs, countifs, sumifs, you name it!
Google Sheets for beginners
This 101 course will give you all the essential information to get you started, and more importantly, feeling comfortable with the programme. Take a look, it's free...why not? If you like it, there's plenty more where that came from.
Any Sheets user will tell you that it's a must-have in your formula arsenal. The Vlookup enables you to find values to the right of your common search key. I love it, and it's dead easy. Enjoy!
Index Match
It's Vlookup's, bigger, bolder sibling. You can't go wrong with an Index Match. It's the perfect formula to find values based on a common key, left or right. Once you get it, you'll never stop using it.
Creating Dashboards
Seeing the data go from raw to polished is quite the step, it requires control, foresight, and mastery of the basic formulae listed above.